1. How do I create an account on Maladaptive Daydreaming Forum?

To create an account on Maladaptive Daydreaming Forum, simply click on “Register” in the upper menu bar. Enter your username, email, password, and real name. Please select a username that is not your true name and never give out your password, username, or other personal details.

2. How can I reset my password on Maladaptive Daydreaming Forum?

If you are logged in and wish to reset your password, please visit your “profile,” which is located in the upper blue menu bar when you are logged in. From here, click on the “settings” option. From here you are able to enter a new password for your account.

If you forget your password, please click on “Lost Your Password” from the login screen. Then follow the prompts and emails to finish resetting your password.

3. How do I post a new thread or topic?

Users are not able to create master threads. If you think there is another main thread that we should add to Maladaptive Daydreaming Forum, please contact us and let us know. We take all of our user’s suggestions into consideration.

To create a new topic within a master thread, simply click on the main thread theme that most closely matched the topic or question you’d like to discuss. From there, simply follow the form to enter your question or topic. Please make sure to use a relevant and concise title and only use relevant tags on your post. Misuse of titles and tags may lead to your topic being deleted. You are able to add as many details as you’d like to the body portion of your thread.

4. How can I reply to a thread or topic or blog comment?

To prevent spam, we require that everyone must have an account in order to comment on forum threads and topics. Please register, a quick a simple process, to participate in our forum.

Blog comments may be left by guests.

5. What are the forum rules and guidelines?

We have several forum rules and guidelines to keep this a safe and positive space for everyone. Please see the comprehensive list under “Forum Rules.”

We expect every member to follow these rules and guidelines. Failure to do so will meet with consequences at the discretion of our time including but not limited to comment, topic, or account deletion.

6. How can I edit or delete my posts?

You can edit or delete your posts when you are logged in by going to the specific comment or post you’d like to edit. However, we ask that users refrain from using this feature too often. We prefer to leave conversations up in their entirety so that others can learn from them. If we suspect that users are abusing these features, we may be forced to remove them or enact an approval feature that would inhibit live conversations. We really don’t want to have to do either of these things.

7. How do I report inappropriate content or spam?

Currently, the best way to report inappropriate content or spam is by contacting our team via the contact details provided in our site menu and we will look into it as soon as possible. In the meantime, please do not engage with or encourage inappropriate content and poster. It is best to disengage yourself from the situation.

We are looking into other methods of reporting inappropriate content and will add them as soon as we can.

8. Can I upload images or files to my posts?

We currently allow limited image and file insertion to post. As long as this feature isn’t misused, we plan to keep this feature around. Please ensure all photos and images you use are owned by you, not under copy right, and available to be shared. Uploading content you do not own or that violates another person’s rights is against our forum rules and guidelines.

9. How can I customize my profile or avatar?

Once you’ve registered your account, click on the “profile” option in the blue menu. From here you can change your user name, profile image, background image, password, and other relevant information.

10. Is there a search function to find specific topics or discussions?

Yes. We have a search bar both above the main forum and in our site menu. Please use this to help you discover content and topics that are relevant to you.

11. How can I find the latest or most popular posts?

The latest and most popular posts will be generally displayed on the main forum page. Older popular posts may end up getting turned off to new comments to encourage new conversations, especially in cases when new research and information are made available.

12. Are there any specific guidelines for posting links or external resources?

Yes, you may post links and information from external sources so long as it is credible and appropriately attributed. You may not share harmful, outdated, copyrighted, or materials and resources that have any other restrictions on their use.

13. Can I send private messages to other forum members?

No. All communication between members on this form shall be done publicly. If we see or a member informs us that you are harassing them or attempting to contact them privately, it will result in an automatic ban and deletion of your account.

14. Are there any age restrictions for participating in the forum?

Yes, you must be 18 in order to make an account and participate in our forum. When you create an account, you acknowledge that you are of the appropriate age (18+) to be using this site. If you are found to be violating this age limit and lying about your account, your account will be automatically deleted.

15. Is there a limit on the number of posts or threads I can create?

Currently, there is no limit. However, we do have rules against posting spam. If your thread creations become spammy or repetitive, we will take steps to limit it.

16. Can I embed videos or multimedia content in my posts?

No. Videos and multimedia should not be embedded into your posts. Instead, you may share links to any relevant content.

17. Can I share my social media profiles or website links in my forum signature?

We discourage the use of personal and identifying information sharing in your profiles.

18. How can I find answers to common technical issues or troubleshooting tips?

If you have a question that is not covered here, please contact us using the information or form found on our “Contact Us” page.

19. Can I request specific features or improvements for the forum platform?

If you have advice or suggestions for the forum, please “Contact Us.” We consider all of our forum user’s suggestions.

20. How can I donate or contribute to the maintenance and upkeep of the forum?

This is a volunteer-run forum. If you’d like to support us and ensure that the forum continues to run, you may donate using our “Make a Donation” option in our menu (currently pending) or Contact Us directly.


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